Thursday, June 19, 2014

Experience blog

My experience blog is very good, because I  me learn new words in English and structure speech.
Also I had work since diferent topics that are vey entertaining.

I do not know blog, then the experience blog it was very important for me. For this reason I would like to in the future make a blog about topics of interest, especially about politics and football.

I plan to write in the future with a group of partner of university for have a guideline about political university.

I consider that this helped me to improve my English and avoid gradully the use of google traductor and search the words that I don´t understand and not know.

The good thing about bloggins is:

 _  Improve we English.
 _ Know new words.
 _ Know the opinion of we partner about diferrent topics and ideas.
 _ allowed me to know what my partners think.

For these reason I thinks are the best class of English and very entertaining for all.

Things I did not like the blog themes were that students do not choose the topics. I will like that in the future the students have that must participate more in choosing topics.

Good luck :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I feel that Chile is a country with a idiosyncrasy very peculiarity and contradiction. In first place because have a legacy historic that hat has not changed much. Since the colonial era that Chile have a structure hierarchical and of domination of the high social class over the class popular (proletariat).
this power structure has not changed and is a and is one of the things I like least about chile. It is for that Chile is a country with the level of inequality largest in the world.

Despiste this I like Chile in very things. For example, in the affection of people, for their beautiful in landscape and nature, and of course for the beauty of her women.

I never been to another country, but I will like visit Brasil, becasuse my mother`s family there is, and frequently invite us to sao paulo.

The international perception of chile abroad is good because Chile is a regimen democratic that leave in the past the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet. Also this economic is growing gradually and it have a development constant.

The place of Chile that  I would like to live is South of Chile because it is very peaceful and beautiful.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Travel experiences in Chile

I will talk about my travels for Chile. I have traveled great part of Chile, from Coquimbo to Frutillar.
The geography of Chile is very large and varied. In the north is a climate hot and dry, in the center of country prevail a climate lukewarm and in the south a climate very wet and rainy.
In Coquimbo I visited the "cruz del tercer milenio" and the beachs that it is very beautiful. For example, "La Herradura", "Totoralillo" and "La Portada" of Serena.

Also I visited of south of Chile and I remaind fascinated of this beautiful,tranquiliti and the affection of people.
I went to region of "Los Lagos" and region of "Los Rios", from the city of Valdivia,Puerto Montt, Puerto Varas, Frutillar, etc. Here find the "Lago Llanquihue", which is the largest lake in chile.
A of the attractive more spectacular is "Los saltos del petrohue", that which is located near Puerto Varas.
In the region of Araucania I visited very lakes, how for example, "Lago Villarica", "Lago Pucón" and "Lago Caburga"